Philosopher's on the Steps of a Rising Tide
The common issues faced globally with climate change and sea level rise has been a topic of discussion for many years. Lengthy documents describing the processes in detail for governments are constantly being produced with conferences and meetings held to discuss it amongst professionals and high government executives.
Public participation in this issue is not as encouraged in communities and due to this, awareness about the main issue at hand is not stressed and brought to attention. A more worldwide way of thinking about climate change and its effects can be created by including the public in discussions about it. Connecting people all over the world who are facing the same threat can help create an understanding of how one’s action can impact someone else’s life elsewhere.
Although Poole is not at a high risk of being submerged due to rising sea levels, Poole Quay is only a metre above sea level, making the area very likely to be affected. By creating conversation about it and helping the public understand the situation better, action can be taken to not stop the issue but reduce the speed of it happening. Having a place for discussion of these topics can be the first step for inclusion of the public in conversations about climate change.

Visualisation of flooding of the site and its surrounding in the future.
Retreating or Adapting?
Building to be designed around the basis of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and the circular economy, the main idea behind the foundation is sustaining on the finite resources on Earth which was realised after MacArthur’s experience during her circumnavigation with limited supplies. A way of portraying this message through the building will help get the ideas across to the public and in turn create conversation bout the issue. The question of ‘retreating’ or ‘adapting’ to the effects of climate change is brought up and explored through a series of conceptual collages which allow for the creation of a deeper meaning for the building’s specific elements.

Collage of the Maldive islands on site, exploring ideas of having islands as buildings.

Island forms found around Poole Harbour studied through 3D models